Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Effective Fat Burner Pills Don't Exist by Robert D. Franklin

Years ago I was struggling to lose weight and getting totally desperate to see any kind of results. I, too, fell into the same “quick fix” trap that I see people falling into now, trying every last extreme diet out there and even resorting to dangerous fat burning pills…all in an effort to drop even just a little bit of weight. I needed something, anything to help me not be fat anymore.

Back then I didn’t quite know how dangerous these pills were…at least not as much as I know now. I just figured so many other people were taking them and they were sold at the local store, they must be safe. Surely they were NOT!

Here was the problem, and maybe for you, too. We all want to see results and we want to see them immediately. Not only do most of us lack patience in many areas of our lives, but when we don’t see immediate results, we lose steam or give up or just call it impossible.

I refuse to have this turn into a short-term motivational speech. Yet I am going to tell you that if you are looking for a quick fix to losing weight, fat burners are definitely NOT the answer.

There are so many things to say about the dangers associated with many of these so-called fat burner pills: i.e., potential heart attack, damage to the heart, hormone disruption, stroke, permanent damage to your metabolism. We’ve all-too-often seen the unfortunate news reports of people dying from these pills that is just frightening.

Today I do want to share some “safe”, quick ways to get your fat burning engine going. I agree that exercise and healthy eating are always the benchmark answers, but sometimes we need a little more jumpstart to get the ball rolling.

Here are some methods that anybody can implement safely for accelerated fat loss results:

1. Eliminate wheat and dairy for 2 weeks or more. Most wheat and dairy products will cause an inflammatory response in your body and make it really difficult to see fat even scrape off your body. Wheat products include most breads, cereals, crackers, and pastas. Dairy includes milk products and cheeses. Eggs are fine in many cases and butter is fine, too, and they won't stop the process of fat burning.

2. Eliminate all grains for 2 weeks or more. This works. And if you have to get into a bikini in a few weeks, your high school reunion is right around the corner, or you just want the pounds to come off faster, I highly suggest going “grain free” until you reach your desired weight. Don't get me wrong, grains are healthy. But fat loss will be more accelerated without them. Grains include rice, oatmeal, millet, quinoa and spelt. A few weeks without them will help your body shed fat faster.

3. Add lemon to your water. It's a wonderful detoxifier to the liver and since the liver is your “fat burning” organ, it's good to have it working at optimum. Keep your liver clean, not only by removing processed foods and toxic substances from your eating plan, but also by giving it a good cleaning with fresh lemon. You may also want to add some cayenne pepper to your drink, too, which will help get your bowels moving.

4. Eat your fruit servings before 4pm. Yes, another wonderful food group that I am in no way saying is “bad” but you may see increased fat loss results by eating your fruit with breakfast or lunch and then sticking to veggies for your mid afternoon snack and dinner. Try raw carrots and peppers with almond butter as an afternoon snack and grilled asparagus over a piece of salmon with a side salad for a great dinner. Your fruit servings will still get in for the day, but much earlier instead.

There are several healthy techniques that will definitely work when you stick to them before resorting to something dangerous like taking fat burning supplements. Follow the simple steps above and walk onto the beach or into that high school reunion feeling and looking great.

