Monday, January 23, 2012

Do You Know If You Are A Bronchial Asthma Sufferer? by Andy Guides Jr

People who have asthma have a pulmonary dysfunction that makes breathing difficult or even impossible. In the United States, there are over 20 million people who have this condition. This is a problem that can hamper a person's quality of life and even lead to death. Asthma comes in two forms and can have many underlying causes. Physicians have a variety of options available to treat patients.

People who think they might have asthma need to understand the condition. When lungs function normally, a person inhales and the lungs process oxygen. The person then exhales. When someone with this pulmonary disorder has an attack, the lungs become narrow and breathing in or out is difficult. The lungs constrict and inflammation causes swelling.

When allergies are the cause, a person's immune system overreacts to a substance. Also, in some people, exercise leads to symptoms. In some cases, workers breathe in substances at work that cause their breathing problems. Cough variant asthma is the second type. In this form, the person coughs in a non-productive manner and coughing is the only symptom.

The cough variant of the condition can be more difficult to diagnose. This is because lung function can be normal. With this type, symptoms are often treated with similar medications as the more common constriction type.

As with any medical condition, patients need to consult with their physician for diagnosis and treatment. This is important whether the patient has the more common form or the cough variant.

Doctors decide treatments based on how bad the symptoms are and what causes the attacks. Avoiding triggers can help sufferers avoid symptoms when they have allergic or work-based attacks. Many patients use allergy tests to determine what their allergic triggers are. Also, some patients use treatment options for their allergies to reduce symptoms.

There are a variety of medications that doctors can prescribe for their patients. There are medicines that reduce the frequency of symptoms and attacks. These are taken every day. Also, rescue inhalers are used when an attack occurs to provide immediate relief. Physicians will often prescribe both in order to manage symptoms. However, doctors sometimes need to try different medications and treatments to help each patient achieve optimal results.

Asthma has serious consequences for the people living with it. It's a medical condition that requires a doctor's care. Physicians find the treatments that work best for each patient. This means that patients can manage their symptoms and live their lives to the fullest, even with asthma.

