Monday, November 28, 2011

6 Causes Of Hair Loss That Can Make Anyone Loss Your Hair by Jeff Schuman

It can be devastating for anyone to realize that they are losing hair. If this is something that you have noticed, then you must know some common causes because this is how you will be able to find the best treatment to stop it from getting worse.

After you know the cause, you can find a solution that will help you re-grow your hair. Understanding the cause is important because the different treatments that can be used will depend on what the cause is.

So you have to know the cause in order to find the best treatment for you to use. Here are some of the most common causes that can lead to both men and women having hair that is falling out.

One: Hereditary - This is a cause that is common that a lot of people find themselves dealing with. If you have family members that have lost their hair or are losing it, then you could end up with the same problem.

Two: Bad Illnesses - There are some major illnesses that have been shown to cause people to lose their hair. Some of these illnesses include: Typhoid and Malaria.

If you have a sickness that means you need to undergo chemotherapy, then this will also result in you losing your hair. Many times this is incurable, but not always.

Temporary hair loss can also occur due to the stress of going through a major illness.

Three: Hormonal dysfunction - Any dysfunction in your hormones can play a large role in you losing your head of hair prematurely. If you are experiencing this because of this problem, then your best choice is to talk to your doctor to help you find a treatment.

Four: Medications - A few different medications have been shown to cause this to happen. In most cases though, the problem is only temporary and will go away over time once you stop using the medication.

Five: Stress - Many people are unaware that this is a reason that you may lose your hair, but stress can definitely play a big part in this problem.

You want to talk to your doctor first to make sure there is no health problem causing it, but usually if one isn't found, then stress could be the cause.

Six: Improper hair care - When you don't take good care of your hair and you pull it up all the time, this can lead to you losing what you consider important, your hair. You have to be careful how you treat your hair if you don't want to lose it now or in the future.

Now that you understand these causes of hair loss, you just have to determine which one is causing your problem. This is vital to determining the right treatment to help you stop the problem from getting worse.

