Monday, November 28, 2011

Some Home Remedies for Insomnia by Paul Stevens

Insomnia, or lack of sleep, is a sleeping disorder that can have various causes. Whatever the cause, the result can be extremely uncomfortable. No one can function well without adequate physical rest because when the body is not rested, the mind is not alert. But the good news is that no matter how old you are, insomnia can be treated. And you do not always need to go to the doctor to get a prescription drug and worry about its side effects. In most cases, just a change of daily routine can do the trick. Our body usually responds when we follow a schedule consistently. So before you decide to seek professional help for your problem with insomnia, here are some home remedies you can try safely. These remedies will not only help you overcome insomnia but will also cultivate some long-term habits that will help you sleep better:

- The starting point is to make a sleep schedule and follow it. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Stick to the same schedule during weekends.

- When you don't sleep, do not stay in bed. After you have slept enough to feel relaxed and rested, get up and involve yourself in something that makes you feel calm, like listening to music or reading.

- Do not try too hard to sleep because when you do this, you tend to stay awake. Instead, watch TV or read something that will make you drowsy. Then, go to sleep.

- Don't spend time your bedroom unless it's for sex or sleeping. Avoid reading, watching TV, working or eating in bed.

- Have a warm relaxing bath before you go to sleep. A soothing massage can also be relaxing. Make some sort of routine for bedtime like yoga, prayer or music that will put you into the mood to sleep.

- Try not to nap during the daytime. If you are absolutely unable to manage without one, do not nap for more than half an hour at most. Daytime napping can make you sleepless at night. Avoid taking a nap after, say, four o'clock in the afternoon.

- Create the right ambience in your bedroom to help you sleep. Move the TV or computer out of your bedroom.

- Get into the habit of regular exercise on a daily basis. About half-an-hour should do. Exercise about five to six hours before you sleep.

- After lunch, try not to drink coffee or smoke because chemicals from these habits can interfere with your sleep at night. Some people claim that alcohol makes them sleepy, but it can make you wake up often or worse still, cause restless sleep.

- Do not indulge in huge, heavy dinner right before bed time. In addition, limit your liquid intake before you go to bed so that you don't get the urge to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.

- If you happen to be on medications for anything, ask your physician if any of these could be responsible for your insomnia.

- If you are in pain, get yourself treated so that it does not keep you from sleeping.

And finally, except for the alarm clock that will go off when you need to wake up, do not have any other clocks in the bedroom. This will do away with the temptation of checking what time it is throughout the night when you are unable to sleep!

