Monday, November 28, 2011

The Effects of Alcohol on Sleep by Paul Stevens

There have been several studies conducted about the effects of alcohol on sleep. Many people think that taking a drink before bed will help them sleep. In fact some studies state that nearly 30% of people suffering from insomnia take a drink or two before bed instead of using other sleep aids.

Because alcohol will help drinkers fall asleep faster, they often think it is working, but there is a problem with that thinking.

While alcohol will often help induce sleep, it actually decreases the amount of REM sleep, which is when the deepest sleep occurs. For this reason, and others to be discussed below, alcohol may actually cause one to be LESS well rested the next day.

Another problem with the effects of alcohol on sleep is that it causes shallow sleep. The person who consumes alcohol before bed may awake frequently during the night and is much more likely to have extremely loud dreams or even nightmares. All of these factors combine to make the sleep one gets after consuming alcohol not of a high quality.

Still, because they may fall asleep quickly, they think the alcohol is working as a cure for their insomnia. As a result, they continue to drink alcohol each night before bed.

In addition to the fact that this causes a poor quality of sleep, there are other issues with regularly consuming alcohol to help induce sleep.

If one is drinking alcohol every night with the thought that it is the cure to their insomnia, there is a risk of an ever increasing dependence on alcohol and can lead to alcoholism.

Because the effects of alcohol on sleep are not positive, alcohol should never be used to treat insomnia. For occasional insomnia, consider instead an over the counter sleep aid, or even an herbal remedy.

For insomnia that is ongoing, a doctor should be consulted. Because insomnia that lasts more than a week can be a sign of an underlying illness, it is important not to ignore the condition, but to work toward finding the cause.

That is not to say that there is anything wrong with drinking a glass of wine with dinner, but to consume alcohol with the intent that it will help solve your sleep issues is unwise.

Being aware of the adverse effects of alcohol on sleep, below are some other remedies to consider or that your doctor may prescribe.

Over the counter sleep aids

These should only be used occasionally and according to package directions. Also, you should consult with your doctor before taking any type of medication.

Sleeping device to help keep the air ways open

These are simple, painless devises that will help you sleep more soundly. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

Lifestyle Changes

Making changes as simple as eating a healthier diet or losing weight can be all it takes to ease insomnia.

Sleeping pills

For moderate to severe insomnia, your doctor may prescribe sleeping pills.

The effects of alcohol on sleep are not positive. Instead, find another remedy so that you can get the rest you need and remove the possibility of becoming dependent on a nightly drink.

