Monday, December 19, 2011

Diet Programs And Meals - The Forking Diet by Levi Reiss

The Forking Diet is really quite simple; for supper you may eat only those foods that you can manage with a fork. There are no restrictions on any of your other meals. The Forking Diet comes in two versions, the strict version and the soft version. The strict version will enable you lose weight more rapidly. It bans any dish whose preparation requires a knife. The second version goes for permanent weight loss. For supper you may eat foods that were prepared with a knife, but set the tables without a knife or a spoon. According to fans of the Forking Diet when you eat with a fork means eating smaller amounts or food. You won't eat a lot of those calorie-rich sauces. Here are some of the principles.

Don't cheat by using your teeth to cut food that you would normally cut with a knife, such as steak. The strict version of this diet lets you eat vegetables, grains, legumes, fish, and prepared foods. The soft version adds salads, pieces of white meat, shelled crustaceans, raw beef, and eggs to the list of acceptable foods. For supper, eliminate soup, bread, cheese, and dessert. Eat normally for the rest of the day. Eat what you want but make sure that you include dairy products and fruits for a balanced diet. You should eat five portions of fruits or vegetables daily. Be sure to eat lots of vegetables for supper.

One major advantage of the Forking Diet is its social character. You can eat out with friends. One disadvantage is the lack of sweets at suppertime.

Here are two sample menus:

Menu 1

Breakfast: Two slices of toast. Two teaspoons of jam. A yogurt. An apple. Tea or coffee.

Lunch: Broccoli soup. A chicken leg. Green beans. Brown rice. Soy dessert. An orange.

Supper: Endive salad. Tagliatelli with vegetables.

Menu 2

Breakfast: Two slices of toast. Cheese spread. Strawberry and pear compote. Half a grapefruit. Tea or coffee.

Lunch: Grated carrots. A veal schnitzel. Ratatouille. 2 kiwis.

Supper: Tuna salad accompanied by tomatoes and cucumbers. Puree of peas.

Some of the information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes more than 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. At present La Bible des Regimes is available only in French.

