Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Assistance for Constipatione

QUESTION: It seems you only choose questions for your column that deal with
exotic diseases that no one ever has and don't care much about anyway. Why
not use your knowledge to help us common people and talk about real subjects
like constipation? I know I could use some assistance.
ANSWER: Commoner or king, constipation can be a problem for anyone. You are
right, it is a subject that should be discussed. For an understanding of the
causes of this annoying condition, you must first understand how the large
intestine, or colon, works. After our foods have been digested, and the
nutrients absorbed by the small intestine, the remaining waste reaches the
colon, the last section of the intestinal system before the rectum. The colon
moves the waste along with rhythmic contractions, called peristalsis, driving
the fecal material towards the rectum. At the same time it reabsorbs the
excess fluids, making the stool firmer and firmer as it reaches the last
sections of the bowel. If the muscle contractions are slow, or irregular, the
stool spends too much time in the colon and too much water is removed, forming
hard or dry stool. If peristaltic rhythm is too swift, the stool will be
loose and watery, leaving as diarrhea. Constipation is therefore best
prevented by assuring that these contractions (called involuntary as we have
no control over them) remain normal. They can be affected by illness, stress,
poor bowel habits, lack of exercise, and above all improper diet and eating
habits. The object is to have the stool arrive at the rectum in a form that
makes your voluntary efforts to pass your stool easy and normal. Here are
some tips for you. Eat at regular times, taking pleasure in your meals and
chewing your food thoroughly. Make sure your diet contains sufficient bulk
fiber that is present in cereals, fruits, raw vegetables, and cooked high
residue vegetables such as corn, potatoes, spinach, string beans and turnips,
to name a few. Be sure to include plenty of fluids in your daily diet. When
the urge to move your bowels arrives, pay attention and try to move your
bowels without straining, letting nature proceed normally. Adding a brisk
walk and sufficient exercise to daily activity may just make the difference
that changes your problem of constipation into an unpleasant memory

