Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Morning Temperatures Procedure to Figure Out Time of Ovulation

QUESTION: With a deep desire to have a child, and no success over a long
period of time, I have decided to try a system involving morning temperatures
to try to figure out my time of ovulation. My girl friend was successful, but
she can't explain the procedure to me in a way that I can understand. Can
ANSWER: I certainly will explain the procedure to you, but the many factors
that affect fertility make this a complex situation to deal with in an
effective manner. Tracking your basal or morning temperature as a means of
establishing your time of ovulation is only one aspect of what should be a
total effort to gain your objectives, and that requires professional advice.
It's going to take some time, and you will need patience and dedication to
evaluate and correct all the possible causes of your infertility. You will
want to keep an accurate record of basal temperature over a three or four
month period, to provide a record that can be interpreted properly. A special
thermometer is used which is marked in a manner that makes the lower body
temperature found at the end of the sleep period easy to determine. Shake the
thermometer down before retiring for the night and keep it by your bedside for
use as soon as you awaken, before you leave the bed. Keep the thermometer in
your mouth for an extended period of time, from 5-10 minutes is required.
Read the thermometer carefully in a good light, to the nearest tenth of a
degree. You must then note this on a special temperature chart that is
usually provided with the thermometer or by your physician. If you have had
intercourse the previous evening or that morning, place a small circle around
that day's temperature reading, as this will provide your physician with the
record needed to counsel you. Usually your temperature will be within narrow
range of two tenths of a degree or so during the first part of your cycle. On
or about the 14th day the temperature will take a dip, to be followed on the
succeeding days by a level that is elevated by as much as a whole degree.
This will form a pattern that is typical for ovulation, and will help you
determine your day when conception is most probable. Both the timing and
frequency of intercourse are important considerations, as too frequent
intercourse may cause the quantity or quality of your partner's sperm to
diminish. This is but another factor to discuss with your physician. Good

