Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sugar, The Reason For Dizziness? by Dr. A. R. Scopelliti

Diabetes is becoming more common and more of a medical problem than ever before. I am specifically referring to type 2 diabetes, which is perpetually brought on entirely by ones eating practice. This is why it has coined the designation “adult onset diabetes”. The “juvenile” type, or type 1, occurs at an early age for other reasons entirely. So let’s discuss type 2, as that is the big issue and since it is entirely within your control to remedy. Quite simply, type 2 diabetes occurs associated with obesity. For each pound of “extra” weight one carries, risk of diabetes goes up, exponentially. As an example, someone 30 pounds overweight has a 4000% increase risk in becoming diabetic. (This is not a typo).

Heart disease and peripheral artery disease are the biggest complications that people face with uncontrolled diabetes. Approximately 65% of death from diabetes is from heart disease and stroke. Peripheral artery damage or nerve damage, also from uncontrolled diabetes, can cause foot problems that can lead to amputations. More than 60% of leg and foot amputations not related to an injury are due to diabetes. Diabetes is the primary cause of blindness in the US. Other problems include glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. Studies show that regular eye exams and timely treatment of diabetes-related eye problems could prevent up to 90% of diabetes-related blindness. Recent studies correlate metabolic syndrome with marked increase in total fructose intake in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, beverage and table sugar. Metabolic syndrome is a name given to a cluster of risk factors including heart disease. If you learn to scrutinize labels, you will find that many products now contain high fructose corn syrup.

Dizziness, a common problem in and of itself, is often associated with deregulation of sugar. Sugar levels, both too high, and lowered, will lead to dizziness. Your body does a delicate balancing act trying to maintain as steady a level of blood sugar as possible. You can help this cause by maintaining a healthy diet that does not cause blood sugar levels to abruptly go through the roof, or alternatively, waiting all day to eat causing them to drop excessively. Additional information on healthy eating tips can be found on my website, linked below. Much of the dizziness which I see clinically is ether caused by or complicated by extreme changes in blood sugar levels.

Of equal importance is exercise. Humans were not meant to be sedentary-couch potatoes, which unfortunately, is how many Americans spend their day. Exercise should be undertaken at the highest level of your ability. If you are not sure of your ability, you should talk about it with your doctor.

