Friday, December 30, 2011

Alternative Methods to Enhance Liver Function and Liver Care Tips and Remedies by Dr.Charles Buchar

The liver is the master organ of the body, and most people consider the liver to be more important in the normal functioning of the body than even the brain and the heart. If there is any damage to the liver, then there could be serious complications, such as constipation, chronic gastritis, morning sickness, etc. Problems with the liver could be jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver), all of which are life-threatening conditions. Hence it is very important to take proper care of the liver.


It is one of the most serious troubles of liver. In this condition liver start shrinking and becomes a hard and leathery. This decrease of size of liver occurs because the ratio of loss of cell to that of renege nation of that cells exceeds. This ultimately leads to the loss of function of liver and opens way to death.

Causes of Liver Cirrhosis

1. Excessive use of alcohol

2. Intake of quinine for longer time

3. Chronic viral hepatitis - B and C hepatitis infect and damage the liver

4. Bile duct blockage

5. Autoimmune hepatitis

Treatment of Liver

The liver is the master organ of the body, and most people consider the liver to be more important in the normal functioning of the body than even the brain and the heart.

If there is any injure to the liver, then there could be somber complications, such as constipation, chronic gastritis, morning sickness, etc. troubles with the liver might be jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver), all of which are life-threatening conditions.

Hence it is very important to take proper care of the liver.

Tips for liver care: -

1. You can take a vitamin E.

2. Do not drink an alcohol and tea.

3. Do regular exercise and yoga.

4. Excess sugar and salt in your diet are avoided.

Herbal Remedies:

1. Drink hot lemon juice in the morning. This is a age-old time tested ayurvedic therapy that helps detoxify not only the liver but also your digestive tract.

2. Karela or Bitter gourd, is used for detoxification, blood purification, liver care and to treat diabetes. It helps to treat dyspepsia, liver dysfunction, jaundice, constipation and worm infestations.

3. Neem (Azhadirachta Indica) is a bitter tonic herb and is a well known detoxifying agent. It cleanses the blood and the liver of toxins and supports the immune system. Neem helps to cure blood morbidity, biliary diseases and skin conditions and ulcers.

Home remedies for cirrhosis

1. Wash 4-5 leaves of sacred fig. Porridge with sugar candy and mix them in 250-300 mg of water, drink twice a day after the screening of the mixture for liver care.

2. Decrease fat intake of 30-40 grams per day as damage in the liver, bile secretion and digestion is affected, hindering the absorption of fat.

3. Take one teaspoonful of glucose in one cup water three times daily in the morning, afternoon or night care for liver.

4. Take juice of 2 oranges empty stomach for 7-8 days for liver treatment.

Yoga for Liver Care

A yogasana aims to attain a abiding and adequate sitting aspect to facilitate meditation. They as well accept advanced ambit of ameliorative use. Brainwork helps to calm the mind. Yoga as well helps to breed Sattva (superlative superior of mind) and Ojas( ultimate absolute activity in the body)which is analytical for a absolute apperception anatomy and healing process.

Asanas a lot of accessible in hepatic altitude are vajraasana, shalabhasana, halasana, padahastasana, belly lift and abdomen lift. These asanas improves the apportionment of the claret to the hepatic cells, sensitises lymph nodes bartering liver, and removes the toxins in the abdominals and hepatic region.

