Thursday, February 16, 2012

Irritable Bowel Symptoms and 3 Fast, Natural Treatments by Angela Schultz

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a functional bowel movement disorder typified by persistent abdominal aches, bloating, and discomfort of bowel movements. The underlying cause of irritable bowel syndrome is relatively unknown. However, a number of hypotheses have been postulated by scientists with the most common being that IBS is caused by a disorder in the interaction of the brain and the digestive tract, alongside possible abnormalities with the gastrointestinal system as well as the immune system.

Irritable bowel syndrome, if left untreated, may develop into severe gastrointestinal infections. If contracted at a young age, the person is sure to suffer from persistent fevers, anxiety, or even depression.

According to studies by medical experts, the usual irritable bowel symptoms of abdominal pains and discomfort are, oftentimes, soon followed by recurrent constipation or diarrhea. Other irritable bowel symptoms could include the need to move bowels more frequently oftentimes accompanied by tenesmus, the ineffective and painful straining during bowel movement.

People suffering from irritable bowel symptoms usually also suffer from exasperation of the esophagus due to the acid building up in the stomach, chronic fatigue disorders, head and backaches, and even initial signs of psychiatric symptoms, such as anxieties and depressions. Several health conditions such as fructose malabsorption, gastric infections, parasitic infections in the digestive system, and more inflammatory bowel infections, may also occur to a person suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome, by itself, is very rarely a serious disorder. However, its underlying symptoms and side effects, including chronic pain, fatigue, and sugar deficiencies as well as mood swings and sleep disturbances, can increase medical costs as well as put undue stress on the patient causing a disruption in his daily activities.

Even though there is no approved solid medical management for irritable bowel syndrome, especially since there is no one treatment method that can work for everyone, there is a wide variety of treatment and solutions that relieve the symptoms brought by the disorder. These treatment methods include diet modification, bile acid binding medications, stimulant laxatives for those suffering from constipation, and biofeedback training.

For those who would want to try alternative treatment methods, one of the most beneficial is “probiotics”, commonly present in yogurt. A number of studies have shown that probiotics, especially the Bifidobacterium Infantis strain, has been successful in controlling bloating as well as passing of gas.

Peppermint oil is another herbal remedy that is generally used to mitigate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It is known to reduce abdominal pain and bloating by blocking the movement of calcium into the intestinal muscles and relaxing muscular tension and extreme contraction. It also eliminates excess gas present in the gastrointestinal tract.

Ginger also alleviates symptoms since it promotes proper digestion and treats disorders in the stomach. It also reduces nausea and subsequent inflammation of the visceral organs.

Indian gooseberry can provide natural treatment for irritable bowel symptoms as it is the richest natural source of Vitamin C. It inhibits food indigestion and controls the acidity level of the gastrointestinal tract and at the same time acts as a natural supplement against hyperacidity and gastric disorders.

