Friday, October 21, 2011

Weight Loss Success May Come From Planning Ahead by John Weyenberg

As you undertake a weight loss plan, it is important that the following suggestions be given careful consideration. If you fail to pay attention to these, then simply acting on a weight loss plan may not provide you with the success that you desire.

1. What is your weight loss goal?

2. What have you done to prepare yourself for attaining your goal?

3. Have you included a fitness plan in your goal?

4. How will you maintain your desired weight once your goal is achieved?

5. Are you prepared to change your eating habits?

So, just what is your goal? Have you defined it? You want to lose weight. But, how much? Don't set a goal that is totally unrealistic. If you are looking to lose 50 to 100 pounds, then set intermediate goals for yourself...something like 5-10 pounds a month. This is easily achievable if you exercise self-restraint with your diet and you start off with a detox/cleanse. Ridding your body of the various toxins is critical to your ultimate goal. If you set goals that can be achieved, then your opportunity to achieve success is increased dramatically. If you set a goal that is unrealistic, then you have just set yourself up for failure.

How have you prepared yourself for this goal? Do you have planned exits for those situations that arise where you will be tempted to forgo your diet? This is very important. By planning ahead and thinking of alternate responses to overeating or eating the wrong foods, then you will have improved you chances of success. Too often we just plunge right in and get sidetracked because we haven't planned alternatives for these tempting events. THESE EVENTS WILL HAPPEN! WHAT WILL YOU DO TO EITHER AVOID THEM OR TO FIND YOUR WAY OUT OF THEM? Successful weight loss requires mental preparation!

Have you included a fitness plan into your weight loss goal? If you have not, then you really should consider finding a fitness plan. Weight loss and fitness are not mutually exclusive. I do not believe that you can have one without the other. You need to exercise to help in the elimination of excess weight. This will help you later as you achieve your weight loss goals because maintaining fitness will help you to avoid putting those pounds right back on.

Once you achieve your goal, how will you maintain your weight? Fitness is one way, certainly. But you also need to consider that keeping the weight off may mean that you will have to change your diet for good! If you go back to the same eating habits that helped you gain the weight, then you will most likely put that weight right back on. And you will have worked too hard to let this happen.

So, mentally prepare yourself to change your eating habits, to make exercise a permanent part of your lifestyle, and enjoy the body that you desire. You can do it! Self-Renewal is key!!!

