Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sweating Too Much: Educate Yourself About Your Problem And Take Control Of Your Body by James Druman

While you might feel completely alone and abnormal about your excessive sweating, 3% of the population has the same problem as you. In fact, many say it is a genetic disposition that they share with other family members. But when you are always the person in the room drenched in sweat while everyone else is coolly and confidently going about their day, being part of the 3% of people who suffer from hyperhidrosis is no consolation.

As you probably realize, under normal conditions, sweating is a completely natural process we use to regulate our body temperature. While many other creatures in the animal kingdom will use natural insulation or panting, we use evaporating sweat to adjust to warm environments. Sweating is also a way to retain moisture in our skin, make us more slippery and hard to hold on to when anxious, and as a delivery mechanism for pheromones that contribute to nonverbal communication that escapes our conscious attention. In fact, the chemical composition of sweat is even designed to kill bacteria on the skin.

So, it's obvious that we need our sweat. But the problem occurs when we sweat so excessively that it begins to affect our social lives, leaving us in a state of physical discomfort and low confidence. Whether highly self conscious every time you step in a room where you have to remove your smelly shoes or the only one with sweat dripping from their hair in a crowded room, it's a problem that permeates every aspect of our lives and how we feel about ourselves. You may even find yourself avoiding social situations, especially the types that involve the opposite sex. Basically, if you sweat more than you need to in order to keep your body at the right temperature, you have a problem with excessive sweating—otherwise known as hyperhidrosis. It commonly manifests in your armpits, on your hands, on your feet, or sometimes even on your face. In many cases, all it takes is a tiny bit of temperature increase to get your pores working, but it can often be triggered by anxiety, health problems, or certain medications as well.

Fortunately, there are cures—you just need to educate yourself about what is available and which is the best solution for solving your problem because every sufferer is different. Common treatments these days include specialized deodorants, iontophoresis, Botox, surgery, oral medications, surgical tumescent liposuction, or sometimes even simple lifestyle changes. These lifestyle changes may have to do with drugs you are taking, food you eat, or just your hygiene practices. So, by educating yourself about hyperhidrosis and it's causes, you can get down to the bottom of what is causing your problem and do something about it—by finding a solution that works for you.

And when you take care of this unfortunate problem, it really can transform your life. People who have found a way to curb their excessive sweating report feeling much more sure of themselves and less uncomfortable around the opposite sex. Before, being close with someone else only caused anxiety out of feelings about the smell and feel of their skin, and this anxiety often exacerbated the problem. So, for many, overcoming problems with sweating makes them feel like a whole new person and gives them the freedom to focus on living.

