Saturday, October 22, 2011

How Dental Offices Can Benefit From The Use Of AssistMedic To Create A Children Brushing Report by Jim Peterson

Even with the knowledge that brushing and flossing the teeth regularly will keep your teeth healthy, more serious dental issues can be avoided if regular professional dental visits and cleanings are maintained. However, if you are a parent, you probably know how hard it is to drag children to the dentists when it's time for their dentist's appointments. At times, parents would rather skip the regular visits than hear and contend with their children's whining.

It is with this concern that Toronto family dentists devised a way to monitor the oral health of children remotely. Through the help of AssistMedic/IcyCRM (where CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management), dentists in Toronto, particularly those handling children dentistry and paediatric dentistry, commissioned the creation of Brushing Report Cards.

We all know how vast the reach of technology is nowadays. Even young kids are well-versed when it comes to simple computer applications and even web surfing. With this in mind, dental offices have successfully promoted their business even to young ones via the brushing report cards developed by AssistMedic. The brushing report card is basically a custom medical form that can be accessed through the websites of dental offices. Since it was developed with children in mind, the form is written in its simplest form and even kids can use them.

The brushing report card is especially customized and will be filled up by kids with important information, like what time they brushed their teeth in the morning, afternoon and evening and other comments they would like their dentists to know. At the end of a certain period, they will have their parents or guardians sign the form and submit it to their family dentists. This way, dentists get to track their young patients without requiring them to go to the dental office every so often. Dental offices have even used these brushing report cards for on-going promotions that would without fail encourage young children to visit their family dentists for scheduled appointments.

The gap between children and their family dentists are definitely bridged because of this innovative technology which allows children to realize that maintaining oral health, and working alongside their dentists on that regard, is fairly easy. Not only do these brushing report cards let dentists know what they need to know as far as their young patients are concerned. Giving the kids enough freedom to accomplish the brushing report cards by themselves allow them to work on other activities as well as get a heads up on what treats are in store for them when they visit their dentists.

Clearly, AssistMedic's quest to help health providers, like dental offices, promote their business the automated way is reaping its fruits. Patients are given the chance to communicate with their dentists in the most convenient way and dentists are able to effectively endorse their businesses and at the same time, it lessens the need for them to maintain volumes of paperwork that can prove to be very time consuming especially if they have a lot of patients to attend to.

